2016-01-01 00.02.27

As I sit writing this post, I remind myself that this has been a long time coming.

As slight changes emerge within my day to day life both with this site, new silly ventures, and PhD and work life, I remind myself that all of this has been a long time coming. As I finish off with Hayden Calnin’s masterpiece of a track ‘Cut Love’, I steady myself. Feet firmly on the floor and the words flowing steadily from my hands, appearing on the screen in front of me.

All of this. Everything leading up to this very point in time.

As I sit with old favourites like Arthur Wimble, LANKS, and Ciggie Witch, I mark out my territory. And as I sit and be floored again by Marcus Whale, Luke Howard, and LUCIANBLOMKAMP, I wipe away those old tears. And then with those new infatuations – Alice Ivy, Isabel, and the almighty Dogood, I slowly fall back into a feeling of warmth and knowing and remind myself.

This has been a long time coming.

For some time now I’ve made it a habit to talk around the music. This was how you write. The story on Catalyst the other night about music being used to elicit memories for people living with dementia as they sit, still in those old people’s homes I became convinced that fuck it. What’s the point. If music can do that then it’s indescribable. You’re always going to do it a disservice.

But then I read those others who also do music writing. Those others who write about the music itself. None of it’s perfect, but that’s the fuckin’ beauty of it. This game is about getting close, slowly scraping away at the surface and finding some through line, no matter how long/short/narrow/wide and having that one person sit back and think, ‘fuck, that’s it. that’s what I hear.’

As I start afresh, I see that I’m here. This is where I was heading.



2015-05-17 22.20.37-1

Delirious. Full blown fucking delirious.

So much so that at 1am on Monday morning as I write this and then think, ah no, maybe I should just wait till the morning and read this ol’ thing over, you know, give it the old clean up, but then as I write that realise that if I lost this the next morning, you readers wouldn’t know the struggle. It’s real. And sure, it is some privileged white male struggle full of scholarships, reasonably affordable rent and a supportive group of friends and family, but mate it be struggle all the same. (although not the same as those actually going through struggles. I’M JUST FUCKING TIRED).

Big April tape. 18 tracks. All real good. I mean gee whiz. as if it wouldn’t be amirite? As always, can’t recommend enough the tape download. A tasty morsel, showcasing the best in contemporary Australian music of all kinds, put together by one of our chefs Miks, because hey let’s be honest, we had to give the guy something to do, because he’s just always free and ALWAYS HAS TIME ON HIS HANDS ESPECIALLY IN THE EARLY HOURS OF THE MONDAY MORNING.

Anyway, yeah, just have a listen, and bloody click download (or maybe even follow the instructions in the brackets, yeah mate, like these instructions in these brackets, but the ones in the brackets below k?) on the DOWNLOAD thing just below the soundcloud playlist.

It be the music that gets us through. It’s always the music that gets us through.

DOWNLOAD (Right Click/Save As)



Image from JL

Image from JL

Oh haiiiii! How you doin? June was a bit of a rad old month full of heaps of great great music full of heaps of different different styles and things like that.

And without wanting to highlight one track over another, and also because writing something about every track would take me just a little too much time, and that be time that I don’t have, although by taking forever to finish off this sentence then that may not seem the case, i’ll write about just a few.

It’s hard to escape the impact the new LUCIANBLOMKAMP track will have and has already had on how electronic music is not only made but also where it can go.

Ex-pats Shorts (the project of Mikael Caterer from Love Connection as well as Scott and Charlene’s Wedding) continues that Aussie jangle tradition but instead combines it with a ‘clean’ production.

And then, of course, the new Dick Diver. It’s hard to write about ‘New Name Blues’ without simply repeating what every other interpretation has stated. What I will say though is that here’s a band that continually get better and evolve and aren’t afraid to enter into intelligent political discussion whilst still maintaining this accessible and lovely feel.


DOWNLOAD (Right Click/Save As)


Shorts – Berlin 1971
Melbourne Cans – Drowned Rats
The Zebras – Chase
Peter Joseph Head – One Thing (The Ballad of Breaking Bad) 
(Right Click/Save As)
Tobias Hengeveld – Fools Rush In
Owen Rabbit – Police Car (Right Click/Save As)
Lower Spectrum – Khlever 
(Right Click/Save As)
Broadway Sounds – Booby Trap
Big Smoke – Colours 
(Right Click/Save As)
Ilias – Fire Away
Tim Shiel – Priorities
 (Right Click/Save As)
Dick Diver – New Name Blues




So this track has been doing the rounds for a while, and after a quick lookback through the maamf archives, I realised I haven’t actually written about it here. You can however check out a small review I did on

LUCIANBLOMKAMP has just released the video for the track ‘You & Me’ which features Rosebud Leach. The track has an uneasyness to it, a gentle agression that persists. And the clip captures this really bloody well.

You can check the clip as well as a stream/free download of the track below.
