2015-05-17 22.20.37-1

Delirious. Full blown fucking delirious.

So much so that at 1am on Monday morning as I write this and then think, ah no, maybe I should just wait till the morning and read this ol’ thing over, you know, give it the old clean up, but then as I write that realise that if I lost this the next morning, you readers wouldn’t know the struggle. It’s real. And sure, it is some privileged white male struggle full of scholarships, reasonably affordable rent and a supportive group of friends and family, but mate it be struggle all the same. (although not the same as those actually going through struggles. I’M JUST FUCKING TIRED).

Big April tape. 18 tracks. All real good. I mean gee whiz. as if it wouldn’t be amirite? As always, can’t recommend enough the tape download. A tasty morsel, showcasing the best in contemporary Australian music of all kinds, put together by one of our chefs Miks, because hey let’s be honest, we had to give the guy something to do, because he’s just always free and ALWAYS HAS TIME ON HIS HANDS ESPECIALLY IN THE EARLY HOURS OF THE MONDAY MORNING.

Anyway, yeah, just have a listen, and bloody click download (or maybe even follow the instructions in the brackets, yeah mate, like these instructions in these brackets, but the ones in the brackets below k?) on the DOWNLOAD thing just below the soundcloud playlist.

It be the music that gets us through. It’s always the music that gets us through.

DOWNLOAD (Right Click/Save As)


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  1. Pingback: Fieldings releases ‘A Pleasant Stutter’ | catch release records

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